Microsoft Azure storage and files share

The Azure Storage platform is Microsoft's cloud storage solution for modern data storage scenarios. Azure Storage offers highly available, massively scalable, durable, and secure storage for a variety of data objects in the cloud. Azure Storage data objects are accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS via a REST API.

Azure Storage enables you to set up highly available network file shares that can be accessed by using the standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. That means that multiple VMs can share the same files with both read and write access. You can also read the files using the REST interface or the storage client libraries.

One thing that distinguishes Azure Files from files on a corporate file share is that you can access the files from anywhere in the world using a URL that points to the file and includes a shared with a specific access signature (SAS) token.

IP Systems Solutions offer Azure storage services with several benefits for all industries and IT professionals.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Storage benefits

IP Systems Solutions will "lift and shift" your data to the cloud that already uses the native file system APIs to share data between it and other applications running in Azure and on-premise environment.

Durable and highly available

Redundancy ensures that your data is safe in the event of transient hardware failures. You can also opt to replicate data across data centers or geographical regions for additional protection from local catastrophe or natural disaster. Data replicated in this way remains highly available in the event of an unexpected outage.


All data written to an Azure storage account is encrypted by the service. Azure Storage provides you with fine-grained control over who has access to your data.


Azure Storage is designed to be massively scalable to meet the data storage and performance needs of today's demand.


IP Systems Solutions together with Microsoft teams handles hardware maintenance, updates, and critical issues for you.


Data in Azure Storage is accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS. Microsoft provides client libraries for Azure Storage in a variety of languages, including .NET, Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, Ruby, Go, and others, as well as a mature REST API. Azure Storage supports scripting in Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI. And the Azure portal and Azure Storage Explorer offer easy visual solutions for working with your data.

Proper analysis and planning can save client's money and time spent otherwise spent on dealing with obstacles that could easily be predicted.

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